Serial Number Tracking Software Free


When a manufacturer of Honey products and by-products recently chose Abel, this was the catalyst for the final touches to be put on the batch tracking and associated features within Abel. Consequently, the words “Unique, Track, Batch and Serials” have been tossed around the office fairly regularly of late.

For serial number inventory tracking system s, y ou typically wouldn't commit to the specific serial number of the product until you receive or ship i t. So, w hen creating a purchase order or sales order for a product, you won't need to include the serial number. Odoo open source inventory management software is a cut-down version of an enterprise. Mobile Tracking Software Online, mobile tracking software for PC free download, mobile number tracking software, free download for PC, Mobile Tracking Software for Android and iPhone are some of the mobile tracker software apps available for easy download and installation on your device to track GPS location and safeguard your data when stolen.

Serial number tracking software free software

Serial Number Tracking Software Free Software

This new functionality enables the ability to record and track products going into (any stage of) production, the bin location(s) of the batches of finished product, and finally, where those products are then dispatched or sold to. This is imperative for any food manufacturer but also relevant to many other industries.

Government regulations internationally have made traceability one of the concerns at the forefront of industries such as food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The compliance of a company in these areas now makes it a prerequisite in order to export to the EU and most developed countries around the world. In addition, the level of traceability may go deeper in to the primary produce should, for example, the products being produced be promoted as be GE Free. In that case, the traceability may need to go back to a seed from which a product is grown. Indeed, trials are underway in the USA, where an individual lettuce can be traced from ground to consumer. Who would have thought a single lettuce could be a unique identifier!

Once the initial configuration of an inventory or stock item is completed in Abel, the entry of serial or batch numbers for the components contained in that item can be made mandatory during the production process. So should there be a critical issue with any one of the ingredients or components which ultimately results in a recall, the end product can be tracked by batch number as to its warehouse location or place of dispatch.

I recall my days in the seafood industry, where as part of our food safety management programme was the need to adapt to constantly changing legislation. This meant that manual systems were implemented to trace the product flow. It was laborious and inefficient – if only we’d had this current functionality!

Serial number tracking software free software

Traceability and serial numbers are not simply limited to food, drugs and cosmetics. You may well be in an industry where your product is a serialized item such as electronic devices. Tracking by serial number of an individual item can be made mandatory which assists in the administration of maintenance contracts, warranty claims, returns, and repairs.

Serial Number Tracker Online

Of course, the ability to search by batch or serial number, or report thereon is also included. The full history of an item from production, despatch, return repair and re-despatch can be viewed at a glance.

Serial Number Tracking Software FreeTracker

Whilst the majority of this blog has related to the food industry, Abel provides an excellent tracking solution for all manner of companies, satisfying legislative requirements and ensuring an easy to use process within your company.

Serial/Lot No Management allows to have better control of quality control, warranty management, and product recalls.
ECOUNT ERP Serial/Lot No. Management allows you to manage items and track inventory history in detail.


Serial Number Tracking Software Free

Serial Number Finder software, free download

  • Manage and track the history of each Serial/Lot No.
  • Enter and view your inventory data by Serial/Lot No.
  • Serial/Lot No. can also be managed by barcode.

Main Features

  • Track History by Serial/Lot No.

    • Assign individual Serial/Lot No. to the items of the same type, track the distribution and production process, and manage post-sales history such as after-sales service.
    • Create a large amount of Serial/Lot No. using the auto-generate function or upload existing data via ECOUNT Web Uploader.
    • Various reports such as Serial/Lot No., Inventory Balance and Book can be used to manage detailed history by Serial/Lot No.
  • Inventory Management using Serial/Lot No. Management

    • In all menus involving inventory change such as sales, purchases, production, after-sales service, product defect, and returns, each item can be managed individually by selecting Serial/Lot No.
    • Based on each warehouse(store)'s inventory on hand with Serial/Lot No., inventory data can be processed.
    • Add fields of Serial/Lot No. in various inventory reports such as Sales/Purchase Status.
  • Manage Serial/Lot No. by Barcode

    • By creating barcodes and printing, Serial/Lot No management allows proper barcode scanning without having to memorize complicated numbers.
    • Scan the Serial/Lot No. barcodes with ECOUNT App, and the scanned data immediately sync to ERP software.

Serial Number Tracking Software Free Online

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